Sports: The Last Mono-Culture Media Event. The last bastion of a mass audience. Arguably, the last piece of content impervious to the fracturing media landscape. That’s why advertisers love it—no need to gather sticks and twigs of content like firewood or mine through piles of content gravel to find valuable audience gold. Every four years, […]
As the buzz of March Madness fills the air, it’s clear that the landscape of sports broadcasting is evolving. The tournament not only draws crowds to stadiums but also pulls millions of eyes to screens, offering a prime opportunity for brands to connect with viewers. This year, the tournament has been nothing short of a […]
Super Bowl LVIII shattered viewership records, attracting an unprecedented average of 123.4 million viewers—an increase of 8.3 million from 2023. This solidifies its status as the most-watched TV event in history, second only to the historic Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969. There is no denying the power of reach and influence that major TV […]