The word, “incremental” is usually interpreted to mean “small” or (at best) “complimentary.” When it comes to media consumption, those definitions no longer hold true. Incremental now refers to numbers like 9 million, 33 million and 115 million people.
If I told you that I could get you 15-20% more of your targeted audience that isn’t seeing your ads, would you be interested? Of course you would be. That’s maybe 15 – 20% more revenue. 15 – 20% more people that have not been over saturated by your message. 15-20% more pristine eyeballs.
Where are these people? In caves? Are they under rocks? Colonizing Mars? Are they off the grid living in tiny homes with only old magazines and sock puppets to entertain themselves? Nope. They’ve just moved their TV viewing habits to ad supported streaming platforms and those viewers are still open for business.
Right now, you’re thinking, “Wait, but not my audience. Not those people 50+. Not the Boomers!” Not true. Every generation is migrating to streaming. From 2022 – 2023 there was a 60% growth in people 55+ cutting the cord and moving to streaming platforms.
You may try to rationalize that those people are only watching platforms with no ads. Again, nope. According to MNTN Research 65% of those aged 50–69 and 63% of those aged 70+ prefer ad-supported services over the more expensive, ad-free alternatives.
As for incrementality, 21% of TV viewers over the age of 50 can ONLY BE REACHED via streaming platforms. That’s 1/5 of the entire target audience that ARE NOT watching traditional linear TV.
In fact, the streaming view numbers are fairly consistent across generations (with 54.6 million age 55+ watching CTV). See the full breakdown below.

As you can see, there are plenty of people watching CTV no matter what the demo is. Whatever your brand’s target audience may be, there is a massive, pristine audience for you to tap into.
Allow the Diray Stream Team help you create an efficient, targeted TV Everywhere audience campaign on CTV that reflects what you are already doing across linear. Reach out to our client services team and let’s discuss.