Our Latest Insights

Want to learn more about what is happening in media? Take a look at some of our latest insights below. Whether you're looking to grow your business or simply curious about our services, we would love to hear from you.

The January Effect: Unlocking TV Advertising's Golden Opportunity
As the Upfront season begins, brands and agencies are shaping their 2024 strategies, increasingly focusing on TV advertising. January stands out as the optimal month to maximize advertising effectiveness. For brands already using TV ads, it's the perfect time to amplify their investment, while those new to TV advertising can seize this chance to broaden their audience and enhance engagement. This period is ideal for blending TV and digital strategies, proving the power of an omnichannel approach.
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Anticipating 2023's Top Holiday Shopping Trends: A Glimpse into the Season's Consumer Behavior
As the 2023 holiday season approaches, Diray Media is closely monitoring evolving consumer purchasing trends, heralding a new era in holiday shopping. This year, the introduction of early sales events and the growing influence of digital marketplaces have significantly altered traditional shopping patterns.
Embracing the AI Wave in Media Agencies: The Exciting Pros and the Real Challenges   
In this age of turbocharged tech advancements, the new craze is… you guessed it—Artificial Intelligence (AI)—and it's making some serious waves in the world of media agencies. This fusion of AI and media isn't just hype; it's certainly a tool that agencies should be exploring to optimize certain operations, connect with audiences, and serve up content. However, while the potential benefits of AI in media agencies are tantalizing, we can't ignore the bumps in the road that come with this shiny new tech.